
Fictive is all about you — your style, your look, your story. Make it personal with a custom header image, a Gravatar, and links to your favorite social networks. Use Post Formats to dress up your content, add a custom menu and widgets, or keep it simple with a fixed-position header.


Bouquet is an elegant, simple theme inspired by the beauty found in flowers. Notable features include two floral schemes, a responsive layout structure that adapts to smaller devices, a right sidebar, a full-width template, support for post formats, custom background, and custom header.


A sharp theme with subtle grid lines and sun-splashed accents, Sunspot is a great all-purpose blogging canvas, especially for those who prefer a dark color scheme. Sunspot offers two arrangements for posts on the front page. Additional features include a custom header and a custom background, two optional widget areas, and a responsive layout that adapts gracefully to smaller screen sizes.